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gen 25, 2021
Call for Innovative StartUp area SISMA 2012 

The Innovative StartUp HelixPharma was the only one in the province of Ferrara to benefit from the regional contribution for Innovative StartUps in the 2012 earthquake area, proposing a project entitled: HELIXCOMPLEX® SECRET PROJECT BY HELIX ASPERSA.

Investigation outcome 15734892132208_5
The investigation group and the evaluation team, appointed respectively with executive decisions no. 12338/2019 and n. 13796/2019 (corrected for mere clerical error by n.14070 / 2019), have carried out the formal investigation and the substantial evaluation of the applications submitted pursuant to articles 11 and 12. of the Notice and the results of these procedures have been incorporated in the Commissarial Decree no. 2091 of 08/11/2019. The result of this investigation considered the project presented by the Innovative StartUp "ADMISSIBLE", granting the contribution required for its development within 18 months.

The proposed project involved the development of a process for the enhancement of the snail secretion, intended as a waste product from the helicopters supply chain to make it a raw material of interest in the wellness industry, or, as the title of the project, the HelixComplex. The first phase of the project, already completed at the time of the request thanks to other contributions won in the past, saw the development of specific snail breeding protocols for the production of a secret that is diversified in composition and effectiveness, the development of a system extraction and its sanitization and research protocols to verify its effectiveness and safety thanks to the close collaboration with the University of Ferrara. The second phase of the project, which is the subject of this request for assistance, provided for the development of raw materials obtained from phase 1 through innovative applications, and the construction of the production infrastructures necessary for its massive marketing and export abroad, in particular in the Asian market and middle Eastern.

The contribution obtained made it possible to purchase a new extraction machinery, optimized to produce more and better, to improve the sanitation and quality control system with the purchase of specific laboratory equipment, but above all to obtain greater skills and credibility. which made it possible to sign an exclusive contract with the French company HPE iNGREDIENS, leader in the production of nutraceuticals from waste materials of the French heliciculture sector and in charge of distributing the HelixComplex worldwide.

A success that was certainly possible thanks to the regional contribution received.
15 lug, 2021
After a long R&D process HelixPharma's Team is proud to announce that the own active substance called GlicoPro has been used for the eyedrop "Lacricomplex". The company expresses all its satisfaction in seeing one of its assets used in a Medical Device that for the unique characteristics scientifically validated by the University of Ferrara will represent an innovation in the treatment of the Dryeye.
Il GlicoPro nel nuovo Collirio Lacricomplex
11 mag, 2021
Dopo un lungo processo di Ricerca e Sviluppo HelixPharma è lieta di annunciare che il proprio attivo GlicoPro è stato utilizzato per il collirio "Lacricomplex". La società esprime tutta la sua soddisfazione nel vedere uno dei suoi attivi utilizzati in un Dispositivo Medico che per le caratteristiche uniche validate scientificamente dall'Università di Ferrara rappresenterà un innovazione nell'ambito del trattamento del DryEye.
Autore: Andrea Alogna 19 feb, 2021
HelixPharma always alongside research In an extremely difficult period like the one we are experiencing, HelixPharma wanted to show its support, offering itself as a sponsor for the new Crowdfunding campaign launched by UNIFE. The project entitled "Hunting for latent SARS-CoV-2: defeating the pandemic by identifying the hidden infection" proposed by a group of researchers from the University of Ferrara aims to optimize the techniques for screening and identifying the virus in subjects with no obvious symptoms, or better known as asymptomatic.
Autore: Andrea Alogna 19 feb, 2021
HelixPharma sempre al fianco della ricerca In un periodo estremamente difficile come quello che stiamo vivendo, HelixPharma ha voluto manifestare il proprio sostegno, offrendosi come sponsor per la nuova campagna di Crowdfunding lanciata da UNIFE. Il Progetto dal titolo "Caccia al SARS-CoV-2 latente: sconfiggere la pandemia identificando l’infezione nascosta" proposto da un gruppo di ricercatori e ricercatrici dell'Università di Ferrara mira ad ottimizzare le tecniche di screening e di individuazione del virus in soggetti con sintomi non evidenti, o meglio noti come asintomatici.
Nuova Linea Helisan
25 gen, 2021
Scopri la nuova linea HeliSan Presidio Medico Chirurgico
25 gen, 2021
Concessione Bando Sisma 2012
01 ago, 2020
In questo articolo viene presentata una panoramica sul processo produttivo dell'HelixComplex Snail Mucus e sulle sue proprietà biologiche. Per leggere l'articolo completo clicca sul seguente link:
01 ago, 2020
This article presents an overview of the production process of HelixComplex Snail Mucus and its biological properties. To read the complete article click on the following link:
Autore: Andrea Alogna 24 lug, 2020
Come ogni anno, anche in questo 2019 la Camera di Commercio di Ferrara ha lanciato il Bando per la realizzazione di progetti volti a favorire la crescita del territorio. HelixPharma come Spinoff dell'Università di Ferrara ha presentato un progetto dal titolo: LIPOHELIX : Biomateriali dal secreto di chiocciole ferraresi per lo sviluppo di un economia sostenibile. In questo progetto la Società agisce come intermediario tra allevatori, come l' Az. Agr. Corte Frazza , che ogni giorno dedica il proprio lavoro all'allevamente delle chiocciole, l'Università stessa che con i suoi studi certifica il prodotto, e le società che lo trasformano e commercializzano ( Officina Cosmetica Estense and Global Cosmesi Srl ). Il progetto vede anche l'intervento del CNA di Ferrara for la divulgazione dei risultati.
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