
Research and Development


Raw material

with high technological value


Raw material

Safe, effective and controlled

Research activity

Conducted by highly qualified personnel


We provide scientific support for

quality certifications e

new product registration

"Nature offers countless opportunities and great potential,

but only the Scientific Research can help us to make the best use".

This is what we believe in.

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    Scrivi qui la tua didascalia
  • Titolo diapositiva

    Scrivi qui la tua didascalia
  • Slide title

    Scrivi qui la tua didascalia


HelixPharma was born as a Spinoff of the University of Ferrara, but being essentially composed of Researchers and teachers it soon became an Innovative StartUp. The innovation concerns both the production process and the products offered, in fact, in addition to having revolutionized the snail secretion production system, thanks to the expertise of its team, it is able to synthesize new compounds and test their effectiveness according to the needs of the snail. customer.


Latest news

15 Jul, 2021
After a long R&D process HelixPharma's Team is proud to announce that the own active substance called GlicoPro has been used for the eyedrop "Lacricomplex". The company expresses all its satisfaction in seeing one of its assets used in a Medical Device that for the unique characteristics scientifically validated by the University of Ferrara will represent an innovation in the treatment of the Dryeye.
Il GlicoPro nel nuovo Collirio Lacricomplex
11 May, 2021
Dopo un lungo processo di Ricerca e Sviluppo HelixPharma è lieta di annunciare che il proprio attivo GlicoPro è stato utilizzato per il collirio "Lacricomplex". La società esprime tutta la sua soddisfazione nel vedere uno dei suoi attivi utilizzati in un Dispositivo Medico che per le caratteristiche uniche validate scientificamente dall'Università di Ferrara rappresenterà un innovazione nell'ambito del trattamento del DryEye.

Our Partners

HelixComplex thanks to the studies carried out and certifications achieved can be used in different areas:

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